Our Products

Oberland is a zero-waste company, utilizing the BSFL and by-products at all stages of the rearing cycle.


Oberland’s 100% black soldier fly larvae protein powder is a nutrient-rich source of the essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids including protein, calcium, and vitamins A, D and E, essential to a healthy animal diet. Our protein is fine ground, and available to purchase as a livestock, aquafeed, and pet feed ingredient.

Live Feeders

Available through our consumer brand, Obie’s BSFL, our black soldier fly larvae are a highly nutritional and calcium rich food staple for your pet. Live BSFL contain >3000 ppm calcium, >50% protein (dry weight) and a Calcium to Phosphorus (Ca:P) 1.25:1 ratio which is near ideal for insectivores.

BSFL also contain all the essential nutrients your insectivore needs.